I love this, and I agree 100% that it's more meaningful if she's not severed. That being said, I've seen photos of the severed floor security room floating around, and there IS a Harmony S on there. Curious what you think of that! (could def be a huge overassumption that it stands for Harmony Selvig on my part, but I feel like Harmony's not that common a name, and especially with the initial?)

Fantastic breakdown/analysis though, thank you!

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Thank you for the comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the write up! :) I'm honestly unsure what the name down in the severed floor could be a nod to, as I know the show creators are quite meticulous about details like these.

I wonder if Harmony is actually her first name, or if it's a name she chose or Lumon chose for her after she was "adopted" into their company/cult. Maybe she IS severed, but got the procedure done later in her life as one of the earlier test subjects, after she had already been indoctrinated. Perhaps it was never used on her because they never needed to use it on her – she had already severed herself metaphorically anyways.

All of this is just wild guesswork of course, we'll just have to see what how the story goes!

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